Critical Thinking: The Soul of Communication reaction

 After reading the article, i was shocked that how much money was lost due to miscommunication and poor communication. The article in 2008 by IDC stated that the cost of employee misunderstanding and poor communication in the US and UK businesses was estimated at US$37 billion. This made me look back and thought that if miscommunication could be eliminated, how much could be saved to be invested back into their businesses instead.

The article also states that poor communication is also linked to poor employee engagement and attrition. This actually shows that the companies are not training their employees effectively but instead they addressing the core of communication.

I agree that an effective communication starts with a clear thought process and critical thinking breeds clarity of thought. I believe that critical thinking is the key to effective communication as when one has clarity of information, points of view, they are better able to visualise their thoughts and hence effective communication comes along as well.


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