Critical Reflection
Throughout the 13 weeks of the UCS1001 module, it has definitely equipped me with relevant skills for the future and it has been truly enriching. In the beginning of the module, I have set goals of attaining better interpersonal skills as well as meeting new friends here. After these 13 weeks , I am glad that I was able to see improvements in my goals. The weekly classes taught by Prof Brad have allowed me to improve my social skills as his class is always very engaging and we would usually get to speak or have a conversation about an idea in class. With better social skills, it will definitely be of use when I enter the workforce as I will be more confident in conveying my thoughts with my fellow colleagues. I have also made more friends here such as Lucas, Shameer and many more! I really treasure our friendship as we would have meals in school and study together during the time between lectures. Throughout this module, I have also come to realize that critical reflections are an imp